

Skrivnostna nagica, ki osvaja internet

16. 12. 2015 06.47

Združiti privlačnost, lepoto in umetnost je nekaj, kar dekletu, ki na Instagramu objavlja kot Nude Yoga Girl, zagotovo uspeva. O njej pravzaprav ni veliko znanega, saj na strani nima predstavitve, vseeno pa ima njen profil vsak dan več oboževalcev.

Dekle izvaja jogo popolnoma gola in fotografije objavlja na svojem Instagram profilu, te pa so ravno toliko seksi, da niso vulgarne, temveč so pravo umetniško delo. V nekaj dneh je pridobila že več kot 85 tisoč sledilcev.

gola joga
gola joga FOTO: Instagram

Sicer ni prva, ki se je spomnila česa takšnega: pred časom so splet preplavile fotografije, ki jih je posnel erotični fotograf Petter Hegre, na njih pa ni nihče drug kot njegova žena Luba Shumeyko.


I have noticed that a lot of people think about if they should try yoga because they are very stiff. "I can’t even touch my toes.." I always answer: Of course you should try yoga! Stiffness is not an obstacle but a good reason. Flexibility and everything that can bee seen from the outside is secondary in yoga for me. The most important thing is to concentrate on your inner feeling and breathing. If you happen to be stiff, you will also get a huge amount of physical benefit from doing yoga. Yoga certainly improves your flexibility and range of motion. By training regularly you can start to notice results very quickly. I got massively excited about yoga only after finding the beauty of relaxation and peacefulness in it. Now I wan to get on my yoga mat every day. Yoga is also a great sport to practice at home and for a beginner it can be very gracious. Everybody just concentrates in their own practice during yoga classes so there is no need to worry about anything else. It’s difficult to find a more gentle and grateful community than the yoga one. (This was my second pic that got deleted because of the instagram guidelines... Now it's fine.) #yoga #yogi #nudeyogagirl #yogalove #yogapose #yogachallenge #yogaeverydamnday #love #fitness #inspiration #fit #healthy #asana #meditation #pilates #yogagirl #instayoga #artist #photographer #model #yogainspiration #coreofgratitude #art #instagram

A photo posted by Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) on



My 4 Tips to stay energetic during winter time darkness. 1. Do yoga daily. Listen to your body and also remember to plan yoga sessions based on your feeling. Stretching and meditation under candlelight is the best. 2. I wouldn’t give up on vitamin D3 food suplement anymore. I eat about 50-100 µg/day. 3. Hydration. Drinking plenty of water has many beneficial factors and not drinking enough of it certainly causes tiredness and affects your performance. I try and drink about 3 liters of water per day. 4. Projects. Having something exciting to do affects me the most. I have something going on all the time and I get a great amount of joy from new challenges. How do you stay energetic? #yoga #yogi #nudeyogagirl #yogalove #yogapose #yogachallenge #yogaeverydamnday #art #fitness #inspiration #fit #healthy #asana #pilates #yogagirl #instayoga #body #mind #soul #artist #photographer #model #yogainspiration #love #coreofgratitude #instagram

A photo posted by Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) on




First I thought that I will do this account totally anonymous. Hiding my face, no name, no personality behind it.. Publish naked pictures for public was something that I never thought of. Maybe you also thought that "nude_yogagirl" has to be something very embarrasing or vulgar. But actually I want to show that our body and nudity is something really natural and in it's own way absolutely beautiful with all the shapes and curves. I think it's more artistic do it this way, being simply just who I am and in my opinion I don't show too much.. And before all, we shouldn't worry so much about what other people think of us! Anyway, you all have been very kind and encouraging. Thank You So today I'm showing a little bit more of myself :) #yoga #yogi #nudeyogagirl #yogalove #yogapose #yogachallenge #yogaeverydamnday #art #love #fitness #inspiration #fit #healthy #asana #meditation #pilates #yogagirl #instayoga #body #mind #soul #artist #photographer #model #yogainspiration #love #coreofgratitude #art #instagram

A photo posted by Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) on



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