kakšna sprememba! - 1


Vsi so se norčevali iz njega, njegova sprememba vas bo osupnila!

04. 03. 2016 10.28

22-letni Austin Shifflett iz ameriškega Charlottesvilla se je po krutih srednješolskih letih, ko je bil ves čas tarča zaničevanj in poniževanj zaradi videza, odločil za drastično spremembo. Danes je videti kot povsem drug človek!

Austin je nekoč tehtal 150 kilogramov.
Austin je nekoč tehtal 150 kilogramov. FOTO: Twitter

V srednji šoli je Austin Shifflett pri komaj 17 letih tehtal neverjetnih 150 kilogramov. Nato se je odločil za velikansko spremembo. Opustil je stare navade in mastno hrano zamenjal z zdravimi obroki, igranje video igric pa zamenjal s športom.

V nekaj letih je izgubil kar 70 kilogramov, z rednimi obiski fitnesa pa dobro učvrstil telo in pridobil mišično maso. Zdaj tehta 80 kilogramov in končno samozavestno stopa po svetu, predvsem pa je s tem poskrbel za zdravje. Poglejte si, kakšen je bil nekoč in kako je videti danes ...


I'm not afraid of the fall, I've felt the ground before.....

A photo posted by Austin Shifflett (@austinashifflett) on


Would it kill you to smile Austin?

A photo posted by Austin Shifflett (@austinashifflett) on


Success is a crazy thing to achieve. I don't think you can ever truly prepare yourself for what comes after it. I had no warning, no one told me how difficult things would be once I achieved my goal no one prepared me for my life and all its changes. It's stressful it's a lot of long nights and no sleep it's a lot of sacrifice in doing things you don't even want to do. There's a lot of people who want to share it with you and act like they were there the entire time supporting when you know they weren't. You're looking at a very exhausted and humbled guy in this picture. You're looking at a kid that overcame so many trials and tribulations. The expectations, the stories, the rumors and the doubters are what motivate me to push forward. Some think this journey is nearing its end.........but it's just beginning

A photo posted by Austin Shifflett (@austinashifflett) on


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